by Fee O'Shea | Animals, Food
We all love our pets and shower them with a loving home, good food and companionship, but what about the animals we ‘use’ for consumption? In the intricate tapestry of human-animal relationships, a stark dichotomy exists between animals kept as cherished companions...
by Fee O'Shea | Environment, Food
We have to admit that climate change is a fact of life, and it’s important we take a serious look at what’s on our plate. One small step, so to speak. Last summer, I reached the impressive age of seventy. I say impressive because seventy was either very old or dead...
by Fee O'Shea | Miscellaneous
Did you know that there are different types of vegans? I have asked myself many times if having different types of vegans matters. I did a vlog about five years ago about what it means to be vegan and the nuances involved (you can watch it here: 50 Shades of...
by Fee O'Shea | Food, Miscellaneous
We should always be open to learning from history, especially when it comes to our way of living. There are times when I struggle to know what to write about. I feel like I’ve said it all before; I sometimes think I’m like a broken record repeating the...