The Different Types of Vegans.

The Different Types of Vegans.

Did you know that there are different types of vegans? I have asked myself many times if having different types of vegans matters. I did a vlog about five years ago about what it means to be vegan and the nuances involved (you can watch it here: 50 Shades of...
Learning From History

Learning From History

We should always be open to learning from history, especially when it comes to our way of living. There are times when I struggle to know what to write about. I feel like I’ve said it all before; I sometimes think I’m like a broken record repeating the...
How To Be A Confident Vegan

How To Be A Confident Vegan

Today I’m talking directly to the vegans and the wannabe vegans about how to be a confident vegan. My mission is to instil more confidence into you, inspire and give you a few tips on how to become a confident vegan. I often come across vegans who struggle, especially...
The Perils of The Fish Farming Industry

The Perils of The Fish Farming Industry

The fish farming industry, also known as aquaculture or pisciculture, has snowballed in recent decades to meet the rising demand for seafood. Global production through the fish farming industry has quadrupled over the past 50 years, and the pressure on wild fish has...