Learning From History

learning from history

Written by: Fee O'Shea

Gold card carrying author of six books including ‘The Rise of the Modern Vegan’. Speaker and writer, I’m passionate about all critters (including humans).

We should always be open to learning from history, especially when it comes to our way of living.

There are times when I struggle to know what to write about. I feel like I’ve said it all before; I sometimes think I’m like a broken record repeating the same stuff. Maybe someone is listening? Perhaps I’ll open just one person’s heart to the suffering of animals? So I write some more.

Today, I will go back in time because I believe we should be learning from history. If we don’t, we’re doomed to keep repeating past mistakes. Let’s face it: we see that all too often around the world.

During WWII, Britain’s population was short of food. Rationing was implemented for such things as butter, sugar, and bacon, followed up by eggs, meat, cheese, cereals, jam, and milk.

ration book learning from history


Every person was issued with a ration book. Some exceptions were made with pregnant women and children given extra milk and eggs. The under-five-year-olds had orange juice, blackcurrant juice, rosehip syrup and cod liver oil, but interestingly enough, they were only allowed half of the meat ration.

To make up for the imposed rationing, people were encouraged to dig up their flower gardens and plant vegetables.

The government provided public areas for growing vegetables. These were for the people who didn’t have space. Today, these areas are still available for people. They’re called allotments, and what a brilliant idea to come out of such horrific times.



Along with the rationing of food, there was also rationing of petrol, which meant people either used public transport, walked or biked to get where they wanted to go. You can imagine how fit they were with all that walking/biking and digging in a garden.

During this time, no one went hungry. The population slimmed down, was healthier, and there was a fall in tooth decay. Community spirit was lifted, and people were more likely to help each other.

So let’s talk about the health. Even though they were not on a completely plant-based diet, they predominantly ate plants. Add to this the decrease of sugar and dairy, their food was ‘whole’, good exercise and their positive mindset, and you have the nearest thing to a ‘Blue Zone’ you could get.

I’m an advocate of the combination of mind, heart and gut for a healthy life, as it is proven time and time again that people who live this way live longer.

learning from history

It’s a pity these ethics didn’t continue. Yes, I know, people were so grateful that the war years were over and so enjoyed the abundance that followed in the 50’s.

But look how far we have walked away from all that is healthy. We eat processed foods, increased our sugar, meat and dairy and now live in a dysfunctional and self-isolating world.

I’m not advocating a war, but I wonder why we continue not learning from history and somehow apply those wonderful benefits to our modern society.

cook book

I guess I’m just a fairy wishing upon a star.

Until next time…

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