Yes, Soy is Healthy.

soy is healthy

Written by: Fee O'Shea

Gold card carrying author of six books including ‘The Rise of the Modern Vegan’. Speaker and writer, I’m passionate about all critters (including humans).

Over the years, I’ve often been asked if Soy is healthy, so I continue to bust the myth that it’s bad for you.

I’m going to get one thing out of the way. Who should not be eating Soy? It is recorded that some people have a soy allergy. However, the number is 40 times less than the most common allergens of dairy and about ten times less than all the other common allergens. On that basis – more should be eating soy products than eating dairy – because, yes, soy is healthy!

So let’s get it straight – Soy is good. There’s nothing wrong with Soy in all its forms at all. Don’t get sucked into the misinformation that’s out there.

There is overwhelming evidence that Soy is a great product. If you hear otherwise, you’ll find the writer or speaker is using out-of-date research or the research has been done by animal-based companies fear-mongering.

Soy started being cultivated in China around 3000 years ago, and in the Heilongjiang province, the black soil still produces non-genetically modified, safe and healthy soybeans. Soy was the main protein consumed until 1978, when China opened up and endorsed the consumption of meat, poultry and milk.

Since the mid-90s, the health of the Chinese has been in decline. Rates of heart disease, strokes, diabetes, obesity and other modern Western diseases have risen, especially as the old ways of eating have changed with each generation. Is this because of the increase in meat and dairy? 

I believe so. Further proof of Soy’s health benefits was shown in a study done in 2013, which showed that the highest number of soy consumers who were BRACA 1 and BRACA2 carriers had a 61% risk reduction in breast cancer. In contrast, those consuming the most meat had a 197% increase in their risk of breast cancer.

But it’s not just confined to females. Soy can be eaten by the males in our species as well!!!!

In fact, studies have shown that men who eat more soy foods have a lower rate of prostate cancer. So, guys, feel free to have as much tofu, tempeh and Soy milk as you like!

And, before you ask, the GMO soy that everyone worries about? Well, this isn’t for human consumption. (although I can’t speak for everywhere in the world). This is the Soy fed to animals, especially cattle used for beef (which makes me jolly pleased I don’t eat animal products to get that GMO second-hand). And if you’re still not sure, be on the safe side and always buy organic soy products.

Another fact: Almost 80% of the Soy grown is fed to animals in the meat, poultry and dairy industry. Only around 6% is eaten directly by humans (myself included), and the rest is turned into soy oil used for cooking, but also found in margarine, chocolate, ice cream and other foods, as well as in soaps and cosmetics.

So when someone challenges you about destroying the Amazon rainforest for growing your tofu – tell them that those soybeans are for animal feed, so it’s their food doing the harm.

I hope that answers the question. I could go into lots more details about studies and research, but I’ll spare you – besides, I like my blogs to be short!

Need more proof?

Head over to Nutrition Facts and let Dr. Michael Gregor give you the research/science backup of Soy.

Until next time…

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