What Keeps the Health System Going?

what keeps the health system going

Written by: Fee O'Shea

Gold card carrying author of six books including ‘The Rise of the Modern Vegan’. Speaker and writer, I’m passionate about all critters (including humans).

Have you ever wondered what keeps the Health System going?

One word ….. Sickness. Let’s be more specific. Diseases, especially the modern ones. It’s these that keep the health system going, healthy and thriving.

I’m sure most people know that pharmaceutical companies are making a truckload of money from sick people. But if you think about it, everyone in the system makes money by keeping people sick.

I genuinely feel sorry for Doctors – most of them go to medical school with love and compassion as their driving force, but when they come out the other end, they realize that they can’t actually heal their patients.

Don’t get me wrong – they are geniuses at fixing anything that’s broken – they can put things back together and do some absolutely brilliant stuff. They’ve got excellent machinery that they use, and they’re usually good at diagnosing the problem, although sometimes it takes a long time, and they can get it wrong – but, overall, doctors are pretty good at it.

So, let’s see how this cumbersome health industry works and why it’s imperative that people stay sick.

The money flowing through the system keeps us locked into a disease-ridden lifestyle.

So there’s:

  • the pharmaceutical companies
  • the medical device companies,
  • the pharmacy,
  • the physical therapists,
  • the weight loss clinics,
  • the lab companies,
  • the doctors,
  • the nurses,
  • the technicians,
  • the board members and those who run the hospitals,
  • the admin staff
  • the insurance companies.

There’s plenty more along the chain, from cleaners to surgeons to researchers; the list is endless.

In my opinion, the medical industry creates fear, and people feel they can’t take care of their health and need expert advice from their doctor. Or, (many can’t afford the doctor) they go to the pharmacy/supermarket to get medication. It’s rare for patients in any part of the system to question – they do as they are told.

America and New Zealand are the only places in the world that are allowed to advertise pharmaceutical drugs aimed at the consumer. We have pharmaceutical drugs advertised on our TV … true! And I always try to read the fine print at the bottom of the ad, which tells of the side-effects or ‘don’t take when’. The trouble is, half the time, it’s not on long enough to read it all, now that’s scary!

Most other countries have public service announcements on their TV encouraging people to eat better, to be kind – respect your elders, you know .. go home and have dinner with mom and dad.

So what can you do?

There are two roads:

  1. You can start on blood pressure meds by age 40, suffer from back pain and knee pain due to obesity by age 45, take cholesterol meds by age 50, suffer “minor” heart attacks (some of which you won’t even notice) and undergo a few surgeries by age 60. Then onto chemo and radiation for cancer by age 70, if it hasn’t already got you earlier. Of course, by now, you’ve probably already been diagnosed with diabetes and finally die in the hospital if you make it to 80. Now, I’m not saying this will happen to you – it doesn’t happen to everyone, but odds are you’ll be on medication for something by the time you’re 50 – 60.
  2. You can go through your life with only occasionally needing your doctor, like if you’ve cut yourself, and never having to be hospitalized or seriously medicated for major illnesses, you can live a long and happy life. All you have to do is make sure you keep your body moving/exercise it, and start to cut out sugar, processed foods and animal products – drink plenty of water, and focus your diet around unprocessed whole plant foods; vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains, nuts and seeds.

Eating this way has been thoroughly researched and is the only diet proven not only to stop but reverse heart disease and other oh-so-common diseases. But you see, it’s not taught or pushed in the medical industry because it’s not a money maker.

Start today to shift to a whole food, plant-based way of eating – your health will thank you for it.

Until next time…

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