by Fee O'Shea | Food, Health
Three major factors are going into how you can have a vibrant summer, and each one is easily achievable. I’ve talked before about healthy living, which is in my post: The Art of Healthy Living I want to follow up on that post by talking about vibrancy and how...
by Fee O'Shea | Food, Health
Vitamin B12 is necessary for good health, but how often you take this supplement is also essential. Most vegans know that they should take a B12 supplement one or two times a week, and if you didn’t know, then either start with a supplement or fortified foods....
by Fee O'Shea | Food, Health
We’ve all heard the saying “you are what you eat” and most of us agree that it is indeed a true statement. Eating food that is living and nourishing is the kindest thing you can do for yourself. When you step onto the vegan journey, generally, you’ll...
by Fee O'Shea | Food, Health
Before going vegan, we all had expectations of what it would be like. Some of those expectations are realised, but the reality is often completely different. It’s a bit like any new thing you do in life. The expectations can be far removed from reality. And when...