Recipe by Fee O’Shea

Here’s a simple way to make a veggie broth that is both tasty and healthy.

It may mean taking a bit of time out of a day to create this, but once done, it’s well worth it.  The ingredients that go into this vegetable broth are what make it both delicious and healthy. With the vegetables, there are no actual measurements as it really doesn’t matter how much of each ingredient you do.


In a roasting pan:

  • Thinly slice 2 brown onions, some celery and a couple of carrots keeping all the skins and adding those to the pan as well.
  • Then cut in half a whole garlic. 
  • Put in a good handful of kombu (dried seaweed) and dried shitake mushrooms.
  • Put a bunch of parsley (at least 6 stalks) and some thyme.

Mix up:

  • 3 Tablespoons of White Miso
  • 4 Tablespoons of Water

and mix it through the vegetables.

Roast in a slow oven 150°C/300°F for about an hour stirring occasionally

Next Step – Make Veggie Broth

  • Now put the whole lot into a large pot
  • Pour over 16 cups of water and add a teaspoon of black peppercorns.
  • Simmer about an hour or until it has reduced.
  • Strain off the liquid and pour into a container to refrigerate.

You can freeze some of it in something like muffin cases then free flow ready for use when needed.

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