Recipe by Fee O’Shea

Skin on or Skin off – stunning!

These are even better when served with a vanilla flavoured Vegan (N)ice cream

Basic Ingredients:

  • 4 whole pears (I leave the skin on).
  • 1 Earl Grey teabag.
  • 4 cups boiling water.
  • 1 tsp lemon juice.
  • 1 tsp lemon juice.
  • 1 cup raw sugar.


  1. If you are removing the skin, peel, but keep the pear whole.
  2. Steep the teabag in the boiling water for at least 1 minute.
  3. While the teabag is steeping, dissolve the zest, juice, and sugar.
  4. Place the pears carefully into a large pot.
  5. Remove the teabag and add the water.
  6. Add the sugar water.
  7. Cover the pears with more water.
  8. Cover the pot and simmer for around 20-30 minutes stirring the water a couple of time.
  9. Serve hot with (N)ice cream.



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