Why We Shouldn’t Eat Bacon

why we shouldn’t eat bacon

Written by: Fee O'Shea

Gold card carrying author of six books including ‘The Rise of the Modern Vegan’. Speaker and writer, I’m passionate about all critters (including humans).

Now, I know that meat-eaters love this food, but there are a couple of compelling reasons why we shouldn’t eat bacon.

A closer look at its negative impacts on our health and the welfare of pigs raised for its production should be reason enough why we shouldn’t eat bacon.

First, let’s talk about the health risks of consuming bacon. One of the main issues is that bacon is a highly processed meat product. It’s typically made by curing and smoking the pig’s belly, involving adding salt and other chemicals to the meat. As a result, bacon is often high in sodium, which can lead to high blood pressure and other cardiovascular issues. It’s also often high in fat, contributing to obesity, heart disease, and other health problems.

And probably the most significant health reason is that the WHO (World Health Organization) has labelled bacon carcinogenic. If that’s not a valid reason to stop eating bacon for your health, I don’t know what is.

In addition to these general health risks, there are more specific concerns about how pigs are raised to produce bacon. For one thing, many pigs raised for meat are subjected to inhumane living conditions. They are confined to small spaces, denied access to fresh air and sunlight, and may even be subjected to painful procedures like castration without pain relief. These conditions can lead to stress, illness, and even death for the pigs. Many (myself included) argue that it’s simply not right to raise animals in inhumane conditions and then kill them for food.

As the bacon-eating humans tout that it’s natural for us to eat meat, George Monbiot nailed it when he said:

“Having thousands of genetically identical animals without hair, bright pink, thrown together, lying in their own shit in some massive concrete and steel shed, are you calling that natural?”

Another issue is that producing bacon can also have environmental impacts. For example, the manure coming from factory farms contributes to air and water pollution, negatively affecting human health and local ecosystems’ health. Additionally, the vast quantities of grain and water required to raise pigs for meat can contribute to deforestation, water scarcity, and other environmental problems.

When it comes to the ethics of consuming bacon, there are more reasons NOT to eat it, especially when plenty of plant-based alternatives are available that don’t require animal suffering.

So what are some alternatives to bacon? Well, plenty of plant-based options can mimic the smoky, salty flavour of bacon. For example, tempeh bacon, tofu bacon, and coconut bacon are all popular vegan options that can be used in various recipes. These alternatives not only eliminate the health risks associated with bacon but also avoid the ethical concerns related to animal welfare.

While bacon may be a tasty and popular food item, it’s important to recognize that it comes with some pretty significant health risks and ethical concerns. If you want to make healthier choices for yourself and spare the lives of these intelligent sentient animals, it’s worth considering alternatives to bacon that are both delicious and cruelty-free. Making small changes to your diet can help reduce the demand for factory-farmed meat products and promote a more sustainable, ethical food system for all.

Until next time…

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